Back to colder water after the week in Hawai'i, Señor Schneble and I met at Pt Lobos. My doubles had emptied out overnight (again!!) but I was lent a similar set by my dive buddy. A little faffing around with leaking regulators and we were all prepped to get into the water before it got too hot.
I was leading and the plan was to go up Middle Reef, hang right and explore Granite Point Wall. I successfully managed to guide us to Lone Metridium instead - clearly, I have the navigational ability of a hard boiled egg. On top of that, Señor later told me that he didn't actually see said metridium despite all my waving and pointing. We didn't have enough gas to try and re-navigate to the Wall so we explored the Hole in the Wall area and Middle Reef instead. More stellar navigation on my part brought us to the far east side of the cove, with dense kelp between us and the ramp. Applause all around.
The dive itself was great. Visibility opened up to about 50ft of blue water once we got a little depth and there was a lot of large fish activity - lingcods, sheepheads, kelp greenlings, the resident vermillion and a couple of huge decorator crabs. This was also my first dive with my spankin' new Focus 2.0 light - amazing!!!
-> 1hr 28min, 74ft, 50F
And then this shite on the way back home - recorded driving through Salinas.
- U