Saturday, August 1, 2015


I started this blog to chronicle wifebuddy (A) and my (U) diving adventures (and misadventures). 

Both of us got certified quite a few years ago but didn't decide to make diving a regular hobby until now. As of this writing, we're both inexperienced divers and only have about 25 dives to our names. Most of the posts will be about our local cold(ish)-water diving in Northern California, primarily in and around Monterey.

We have 2 dogs (Koda and Cousteau) and a cat (Billie) - I'm sure you'll read about them on here. As with everything else in our lives, they'll find a way to infiltrate this SCUBA blog as well.
Koda, Cousteau and Billie with their spirit animals
Team Half Burrito? Our favorite dive instructor always seemed to have half a burrito for all pre, post and in-between dive meals. I thought the choice of our team name was exceedingly clever when I came up with it. It made A laugh and kinda just stuck after that.

  - U